The MSc Program “Shipping, Trade and Transport” (MSc STT) inaugurated in 1998. It is the first Postgraduate Program in the field of Shipping in Greece.
Today it achieves 25 years of continuous operation and celebrates it with the 25@25 initiative.
The Program has a 12 months’ duration and is offered mainly by means of distance teaching/learning (distance-learning) through a “modern” learning platform, in combination with short cycles of face2face teaching at the Department’s headquarters during the academic year.
The MSc Degree in “Shipping, Transport and International Trade” offers three specializations:
- Shipping Business Finance, Management & Administration
- Transportation, Supply Chain and Technologies,
- Maritime Law and Finance.
The MSc addresses the needs of shipping and transport, the most internationalized sector of the Greek Economy, by preparing executives capable of responding to present and future challenges (operation and functionality disruptions, achieving net zero and digitalization goals).
The MSc in Shipping, Trade and Transport bears three (3) characteristics which diversifies it and gives it uniqueness:
- Inclusiveness: It offers knowledge of the entire transportation effort, ensuring the potential to optimize both the supply chain (freight transport) and mobility (passenger transport).
- Maritime Law & regulations: Understands the importance of regulations and law in shipping and offers the relevant expertise.
- Thesis Dissertation: Recognizes the value scientific systematic research in business and promotes it through the preparation of a MSc thesis.