T | # | Θέμα | Προτείνων φορέας | Επιβλέπουσα Επιτροπή | Φοιτητής/τρια | |
Επιβλέπων/ ουσα | Μέλη | |||||
T1 | 5 | Change in crude oil producing countries. How is the freight market affected and what is the impact between crude oil and refined oil (as not all countries have refineries)? | Credit Suisse | Γ. Βαγγέλας Α. Ρουμπούτσου | ||
T2 | 6 | The evolution and future of Shipbuilding Industry in Greece | Α. Ρουμπούτσου Θ. Λίλας | Καθαροσπόρης Κων/νος | ||
T3 | 10 | The evolution and current situation of Short Sea Shipping in Greece | Γ. Βαγγέλας Σ. Κάπρος | |||
T4 | 19 | The evolution of ship finance in the last two decades | O. Σχινάς Μ. Λεκάκου | Ιωάννα Παππά | ||
T5 | 22 | The after COVID era and how it will affect the shipping industry | Κ. Πάνου Α. Κοτρίκλα |